Beginner Student Art Gallery
Beginning art courses that I teach in high school are an overview of art, art history, and a survey of creative material. The artwork created by students while in this course is meant to give students a knowledge base for art-making and prepare or influence abilities they need to move into future art courses at my school. Most student work is created by students who have not had art since elementary school.
Visual Arts I 2016-2017
Click on the images to enlarge.
Visual Arts I 2015-2016
Click on the images to enlarge.
Visual Arts I 2014-2015
Click on the images to enlarge.
Visual Arts I 2013-2014
Several of these are updated version of the projects from the year before.
Visual Perspective: Banksy Style
My class was learning one and two perspective drawing. We decided to take it upstairs and tape the designs on the wall. I pulled one student aside from each group for a short discussion about the graffiti artist Banksy. They went back to their groups to share knowledge about the artist and add their own element of graffiti to their work. Students had a blast and the whole school is talking about the artwork! Check out some of the images below.
Visual Arts I from previous years
Student work is from the first few years of my teaching at the current high school.